FORM 1041

The IRS Form1041 is the tax return that is used to report income, deductions, gains, and losses of an estate or trust.

A decedent’s estate comes into existence at the date of their death. Trusts, however, can be created during an individual’s life or upon death.


  1. Do you need to file a 1041?
  • Was there gross income over $600 in the past year?
  • Is one of the beneficiaries a non-resident alien?

If you answered yes to either question, you do.

  1. How is income distributed from the 1041 to the beneficiary?

Income for each beneficiary will be reported on K-1s and K-1s must then be furnished to each beneficiary.

  1. Can you fill out the Form 1041 by yourself?

Here is a link to the 2017 Form 1041 on the IRS website.  The Form itself is only two pages long. However, the “Instructions for the 1041 and Schedules A, B, G, J, and K-1” document from the IRS is 43 pages long!

We do not recommend attempting to fill out Form 1041 by yourself.

Onisko & Scholz has a dedicated team of CPAs and accountants who prepare over 50 fiduciary returns annually and have more than 25 years of experience in this area.  

For more information about Form 1041 and any other IRS forms, or if you have a tax question, please call us today at 562-420-3100.