High Risk Occupation?
IRS Issues Final ‘Expense vs. Capitalization’ Regs
The Internal Revenue Service has issued final regulations (T.D.9636) on deduction and capitalization of expenditures related to tangible property. The final regulations include rules for determining whether costs related to tangible property are deductible repairs or capital improvements. Changes made: The final regulations adopt the temporary regulations issued in 2011 (T.D. 9564), with a number of changes. One such change is in response to comments that the $100 threshold for property that is exempt from capitalization was too low. The final rules raise it to $200 and retain the rule that the amount can be increased in IRS guidance. Another…
The Geithner Defense
Will you be audited?
They are Watching !
Digging for out of state gold
Wow, my last post was February? That’s a bit embarrassing as there has been a lot going on in the tax world. Our tax season last year was challenging to say the least, with twice as many tax clients being put on extension than normal. What with delays by Congress in modifying 2012 tax law until January 2013, and the resulting confusion at IRS about how to create forms, we were pushed back quite a bit.Fortunately most of our clients understand it wasn’t our fault, and we are working through the backlog still.Having said that, I saw a news flash…