File Your Taxes Early: 10 Reasons Why NOT to Wait
The SALT Cure!
No, we aren’t talking about preserving meat. But we are talking about preserving money. Yours.
RMD Planning
As we mercifully swing in to the end of the year 2020, along with all the political and social issues we are still dealing with as a nation, there is always TAX PLANNING! As the days march closer to December 31 it is important to consider possible year end moves to reduce the amount of money you’ll ultimately send to whoever is President.
Biden v Trump tax proposals SPECIAL HALLOWEEN EDITION
In this last in the series of Blogs I write detailing the differences between the two Presidential candidates tax plans, I think its only fitting that in light of the upcoming Day of the Dead Holiday, we talk about…. DEATH! So let’s dig in.
Biden v Trump tax proposals – #5
As the theatrics of the first debate showed, this election campaign is about social issues, not finance. However, at the end of the day, most Americans will still tend to vote their pocketbook. So, in this fifth in a series of six blogs about tax platforms, lets take a look at some real estate issues that will affect many of you.
Biden v Trump tax proposals – #4
In our first tax plan comparison we discussed Individual tax provisions and a few specific tax items. In session #2 we went over carried interest, changes to social security taxes and California’s AB5. In session # 3 we went over health care and retirement. Now, let’s take a look at some business provisions.