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So far Tamara Coil has created 81 blog entries.

Ibbotson and the ERP Take Spotlight in Divorce Case

Alexander v. Alexander, 2013 Mich. App. LEXIS 1490 (Sept. 10, 2013) (slip op.) It is no mystery that financial experts rely on the Ibbotson SBBI Valuation Yearbook for their valuations, but what makes a recent divorce case intriguing is how two experts used the same authority to argue for a vastly different equity risk premium [...]

Most Accounting Expert Witnesses are CPAs

A recent listing of accounting expert witnesses mentioned in court opinions or decisions in 2013 reveals that 88% were CPAs. The listing, which is “not exhaustive and only for informational purposes,” includes 189 forensic accounting expert witnesses with multiple credentials. As for the prevalence of other credentials, 31% were certified in Financial Forensics, 29% had [...]

By |2021-07-16T00:50:34-07:00February 26th, 2014|General Tax And Accounting Information|0 Comments

Valuation Land Mine: Avoid it Like The Plague

Proceed with caution when valuing a business arrangement or transaction between a healthcare entity and physicians. If the valuation includes a consideration of anticipated referrals, the hospital or healthcare system making payments under the arrangement could face huge penalties for making illegal kickbacks to physicians. A recent jury award illustrates this trouble spot. Devastating penalty: [...]

By |2021-07-16T00:29:39-07:00February 20th, 2014|healthcare valuation, valuation, business valuation|0 Comments

IRS Issues Final ‘Expense vs. Capitalization’ Regs

The Internal Revenue Service has issued final regulations (T.D.9636) on deduction and capitalization of expenditures related to tangible property. The final regulations include rules for determining whether costs related to tangible property are deductible repairs or capital improvements.  Changes made: The final regulations adopt the temporary regulations issued in 2011 (T.D. 9564), with a number [...]

By |2021-07-16T00:19:59-07:00February 20th, 2014|expense vs. capitaltization, t.d. 9636, tax|0 Comments

California Mediation and the Appointment of a 730 Expert

Mediation is one of the best ways to handle family law disputes. Rather than getting involved in a never-ending court battle, you can save time, money and help preserve family relationships. Forensic accountants can be a crucial part of this process as finances are often one of the most disputed areas in family law matters. [...]

Kim & Kanye Learning From Past Mistakes – Prenup Time!

Just three days ago Kim Kardashian and baby daddy Kanye got engaged. I’ll admit, the Kardashians move so fast, it’s hard to keep up, but perhaps that’s because they’re constantly multiplying…and there’s only one of me. Anyway, in my opinion, momma Kris should be quite busy for the next few months- not planning the wedding- [...]

Kardashian Divorce, $125 Million, No Pre-Nuptial Agreement?

Whether you love ‘em or hate ‘em, the Kardashian/Jenner duo will no longer be. What’s interesting to me is the fact that there is no pre-nuptial or post-nuptial agreement in place.  It  appears that the empire is worth about $125 million.  At the time Kris and Bruce married, Bruce was the more wealthy of the [...]

Buena Park – Next in Line of Municipal Fraud Victims

The City of Buena Park takes its turn in the hot seat recently as citizens ask, how could this happen? Former Parks and Recreation Managers Rudolph Juarez and Gabriel Garcia are facing up to 195 and 135 years, respectively, in prison. An investigation of fraud has been going on for 2.5 years, and has now [...]

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