Fraudsters Targeting YOU! Affinity Fraud Part 3 of 3

How to Avoid Affinity Fraud Part 3 of 3 Things to keep in mind: -         If it sounds too good to be true, it is. -         Never allow someone’s rhetoric to overpower your common sense. -         Take a few days to think about and examine any investment decision. -          A “best practice” procedure is to [...]

By |2021-07-16T00:02:45-07:00May 23rd, 2013|church fraud, affinity fraud, fraudsters, scams, victims of fraud, charity fraud, audit partner, ponzi, ponzi scheme|Comments Off on Fraudsters Targeting YOU! Affinity Fraud Part 3 of 3

Fraudsters Targeting YOU! Affinity Fraud Part 2 of 3

 How is Affinity Fraud Accomplished? Typically a fraudster embodies or personifies ideals held by the group to be very advantageous. In some situations this could be a member of poor community that shows outward signs of success, such as rolling into the community in a Bentley, or an older individual that boasts great success in [...]

By |2021-07-16T01:13:28-07:00May 8th, 2013|ponzi, financial fraud, ponzi scheme, church fraud, affinity fraud, scams, victims of fraud, charity fraud, Forensic Accounting|Comments Off on Fraudsters Targeting YOU! Affinity Fraud Part 2 of 3

Fraudsters Targeting YOU! Affinity Fraud Part 1 of 3

What is Affinity Fraud? I recently stumbled upon a 3-part video on Affinity Fraud, aptly titled Affinity Fraud: Preying on Those Who Pray. Every year, billions of dollars (in the U.S. alone) are stolen from unsuspecting victims of this kind of fraud. Simply put, although there’s nothing simple about it, affinity fraud occurs when [...]

By |2021-07-16T00:05:17-07:00April 30th, 2013|Forensic Accounting, fraud, madoff, ponzi, ponzi scheme, affinity fraud, fraudsters, scams, victims of fraud|Comments Off on Fraudsters Targeting YOU! Affinity Fraud Part 1 of 3
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