Riverside County Real Estate Fraud & Ponzi Scheme

Hendrix Montecastro, Helen Pedrino Convicted in $142 Million Ponzi Scheme in Riverside The Associated Press reported the real estate investment scam to be approximately $142 million in fiscal scope. The defendants used seminars, internet ads, and word of mouth to lure people in Riverside County, California and Arizona to invest in a series of shell [...]

By |2021-07-16T00:17:43-07:00June 6th, 2013|pyramid scheme, real estate fraud, shell company, white collar crime, fraud, ponzi scheme, fraud prevention, helen pedrino, hendrix montecastro, multi level marketing, ponzi schemes|Comments Off on Riverside County Real Estate Fraud & Ponzi Scheme

Fraudsters Targeting YOU! Affinity Fraud Part 3 of 3

How to Avoid Affinity Fraud Part 3 of 3 Things to keep in mind: -         If it sounds too good to be true, it is. -         Never allow someone’s rhetoric to overpower your common sense. -         Take a few days to think about and examine any investment decision. -          A “best practice” procedure is to [...]

By |2021-07-16T00:02:45-07:00May 23rd, 2013|scams, victims of fraud, charity fraud, audit partner, ponzi, ponzi scheme, church fraud, affinity fraud, fraudsters|Comments Off on Fraudsters Targeting YOU! Affinity Fraud Part 3 of 3

Fraudsters Targeting YOU! Affinity Fraud Part 2 of 3

 How is Affinity Fraud Accomplished? Typically a fraudster embodies or personifies ideals held by the group to be very advantageous. In some situations this could be a member of poor community that shows outward signs of success, such as rolling into the community in a Bentley, or an older individual that boasts great success in [...]

By |2021-07-16T01:13:28-07:00May 8th, 2013|ponzi scheme, church fraud, affinity fraud, scams, victims of fraud, charity fraud, Forensic Accounting, ponzi, financial fraud|Comments Off on Fraudsters Targeting YOU! Affinity Fraud Part 2 of 3

Fraudsters Targeting YOU! Affinity Fraud Part 1 of 3

What is Affinity Fraud? I recently stumbled upon a 3-part video on Affinity Fraud, aptly titled Affinity Fraud: Preying on Those Who Pray. Every year, billions of dollars (in the U.S. alone) are stolen from unsuspecting victims of this kind of fraud. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vUv4dDavC6U&list=PLDF985F76B59B68E7&index=1 Simply put, although there’s nothing simple about it, affinity fraud occurs when [...]

By |2021-07-16T00:05:17-07:00April 30th, 2013|madoff, ponzi, ponzi scheme, affinity fraud, fraudsters, scams, victims of fraud, Forensic Accounting, fraud|Comments Off on Fraudsters Targeting YOU! Affinity Fraud Part 1 of 3

Municipal Fraud Prevention- West Linn, Part 2 of 3

Municipal Fraud Prevention- West Linn Part 2 of 3 The current West Linn Finance Department (after the 1.42 million dollar scandal), much like a Phoenix rising from the ashes, crafted a new mission statement. The forward moving department proclaims proudly “being good stewards of taxpayers’ monies is the Finance Department’s main focus, but that alone [...]

By |2021-07-16T00:17:02-07:00March 20th, 2013|municipal financial management, municipal fraud, city fraud, city mismanagement, Forensic Accounting, audit, fraud, internal control systems, non-profit, ponzi scheme|Comments Off on Municipal Fraud Prevention- West Linn, Part 2 of 3

Minkow back to the Clink!

ZZZ Best superstar Barry Minkow, King of the Ponzi's, became a preacher, a self-appointed fraud detector and finally a stock manipulator. Now he gets 5 years in the clink. for securities fraud. A good friend told me once ... the way someone does something, is the way they do everything. (translation ... Leopards don't often [...]

By |2011-07-27T01:21:00-07:00July 27th, 2011|ponzi, financial fraud, non-profit, get rich schemes, Corruption, Embezzlement, Lennar, Minkow, Forensic Accounting, ponzi scheme, due diligence, fraud|Comments Off on Minkow back to the Clink!
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