Municipal Fraud Prevention-West Linn, Part 3 of 3

Municipal Fraud Prevention Part 3 of 3 -          Have checks and balances, and routinely ask yourself if loopholes exist -          Cheap comes out expensive, hire external auditors, forensic accountants, and certified fraud examiners -          Turnover in your finance department isn’t always a bad thing- in some cases, an extensive level of familiarity breeds corruption -          [...]

By |2021-07-16T00:16:16-07:00March 27th, 2013|city cfo, Forensic Accounting, fraud prevention, audit, fraud hotline, internal control systems, crappy accounting, forensic accountant, government fraud, municipal fraud, city fraud, city mismanagement|Comments Off on Municipal Fraud Prevention-West Linn, Part 3 of 3

Municipal Fraud Prevention- West Linn, Part 2 of 3

Municipal Fraud Prevention- West Linn Part 2 of 3 The current West Linn Finance Department (after the 1.42 million dollar scandal), much like a Phoenix rising from the ashes, crafted a new mission statement. The forward moving department proclaims proudly “being good stewards of taxpayers’ monies is the Finance Department’s main focus, but that alone [...]

By |2021-07-16T00:17:02-07:00March 20th, 2013|fraud, internal control systems, non-profit, ponzi scheme, municipal financial management, municipal fraud, city fraud, city mismanagement, Forensic Accounting, audit|Comments Off on Municipal Fraud Prevention- West Linn, Part 2 of 3

Municipal Fraud- West Linn, Part 1 of 3

Municipal Fraud- West Linn Part 1 of 3 Municipal fraud is all around us explains Richard Seals CFE, CPA, CMA in his recent article: From First to Worst in Fraud-Magazine. West Linn, Oregon’s former city finance director, Elma Magkamit, was a compulsive gambler. She also lied about being both a college graduate and a [...]

By |2013-03-13T23:46:00-07:00March 13th, 2013|audit, ponzi, financial fraud, Corruption, forensic accountant, municipal financial management, municipal fraud|Comments Off on Municipal Fraud- West Linn, Part 1 of 3
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