Fake Audit Reports and Fake Financial Reporting

Always, always, always, call the auditor who prepared the statements to determine whether you have real statements. We just did this on our "Invisible Children" post ... and they were delighted to talk to us! (P.S. They said good things about Invisible Children) Also check with the State Board of Accountancy look-up to see if [...]

By |2021-07-16T00:21:06-07:00March 16th, 2012|Forensic Accounting, due diligence, financial planner, auditors, Embezzlement, forensic accountant, fake CPA, James Michael Murray, Jones Moore and Associates|Comments Off on Fake Audit Reports and Fake Financial Reporting

Madoff’s Accountant Didn’t Do Audits?

Here's a picture of the accountant's office. Suite 3. Accounting, Taxation and Financial Services ... hmmm. Taped to the window ... it says they "E-File". Classy digs! Apparently, the accountants were telling the AICPA for 15 years that they didn't do audits. The AICPA has since kicked him out. Nice due diligence on the part [...]

By |2022-08-22T01:39:09-07:00May 26th, 2009|Forensic Accounting, audit, due diligence, financial planner, fraud, madoff, ponzi|Comments Off on Madoff’s Accountant Didn’t Do Audits?
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