Municipal Fraud Prevention-West Linn, Part 3 of 3

Municipal Fraud Prevention Part 3 of 3 -          Have checks and balances, and routinely ask yourself if loopholes exist -          Cheap comes out expensive, hire external auditors, forensic accountants, and certified fraud examiners -          Turnover in your finance department isn’t always a bad thing- in some cases, an extensive level of familiarity breeds corruption -          [...]

By |2021-07-16T00:16:16-07:00March 27th, 2013|city cfo, Forensic Accounting, fraud prevention, audit, fraud hotline, internal control systems, crappy accounting, forensic accountant, government fraud, municipal fraud, city fraud, city mismanagement|Comments Off on Municipal Fraud Prevention-West Linn, Part 3 of 3

City of Compton Fraud … You’re Kidding!

Now the Mayor of Compton alleges fraud. Who knew? It stopped the City from getting a line of credit to handle the $41mm deficit. Good luck getting an opinion from the auditors. Apparently the last audit had a "going concern clause". Here's hoping the auditor gives an opinion (rather than disclaiming). Oh ... what a [...]

By |2020-11-16T09:30:23-08:00January 16th, 2012|fraud, whistle blower, non-profit fraud, nonprofit, auditors, Embezzlement, crappy accounting, city of Compton|Comments Off on City of Compton Fraud … You’re Kidding!

First 5 LA gets blasted for crappy accounting

Can I say "crappy"? Yes, I believe I can. And did. Apparently, First 5 Los Angeles has accumulated $800 million of taxpayer money that they're sitting on. They apparently spend $180 million per year but can't quite spend the whole amount they get ... so it sits in the bank. THAT'S OUR MONEY PEOPLE! "An [...]

By |2020-11-16T09:30:23-08:00October 26th, 2011|nonprofit, Corruption, crappy accounting, audit, financial fraud, internal control systems, non-profit, non-profit fraud|Comments Off on First 5 LA gets blasted for crappy accounting
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