About Tamara Coil

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So far Tamara Coil has created 81 blog entries.

About Us

Our staff has been testifying since 1992. We have experience performing economic loss analysis in matters of intellectual property, contract disputes, loss of profits and personal injury. Kim Onisko, (lead forensic accountant) has testified as an economic expert in State and Federal court. His opinion testimony has ranged in matters of size from $100 thousand [...]

By |2011-12-09T22:05:39-08:00December 9th, 2011|Forensic Accounting|0 Comments

Minkow back to the Clink!

ZZZ Best superstar Barry Minkow, King of the Ponzi's, became a preacher, a self-appointed fraud detector and finally a stock manipulator. Now he gets 5 years in the clink. for securities fraud. A good friend told me once ... the way someone does something, is the way they do everything. (translation ... Leopards don't often [...]

By |2011-07-27T01:21:00-07:00July 27th, 2011|non-profit, get rich schemes, Corruption, Embezzlement, Lennar, Minkow, Forensic Accounting, ponzi scheme, due diligence, fraud, ponzi, financial fraud|Comments Off on Minkow back to the Clink!

The Beach Cities Chapter of the Institute of Internal Auditors Present:

STUDENT NIGHT 2011 Keynote Speaker, Aaron Beam, Former CFO of HealthSouth Date: TUESDAY EVENING, April 19, 2011 Location: REEF RESTAURANT 880 SCENIC HARBOR DRIVE LONG BEACH, CA 562-435-8013 (ACROSS FROM THE QUEEN MARY) Time: 5:00 pm CORPORATE-SPONSORED BOOTHS AND OPEN SOCIAL 6:00 pm DINNER (Chicken, Beef, Fish or Vegetarian) 6:30 pm SPEAKER, Raffle to follow [...]

By |2021-07-15T22:00:29-07:00March 8th, 2011|Forensic Accounting|Comments Off on The Beach Cities Chapter of the Institute of Internal Auditors Present:

New Work for State Auditors!

A new senate bill will give California State Auditors the right to dig into the books and expenditures of cities. This in in response to the Bell scandal. Apparently 50 groups have been ratted on by whistleblowers!

By |2011-02-26T00:24:00-08:00February 26th, 2011|City of Bell, auditors, Forensic Accounting, audit, fraud, financial fraud, fraud hotline, internal control systems, whistle blower, non-profit, non-profit fraud|Comments Off on New Work for State Auditors!

Let the Finger Pointing Begin!

State of California State Auditor John Chiang says Mayer Hoffman McCann did a bum job. Mayer Hoffman McCann says they were deceived. IMO (in my opinion) it is ridiculous that an auditee (say the City of Bell) get's to pick their own auditor. The job of the auditor in this situation is to please the [...]

By |2010-12-27T19:05:00-08:00December 27th, 2010|City of Bell, auditors, Forensic Accounting, fraud, financial fraud, non-profit, non-profit fraud|Comments Off on Let the Finger Pointing Begin!

Where were the City of Bell Auditors?

We now know who they are, but to be fair ... we don't know what they did ... or were supposed to do. I wonder if Bell took the low bidder for their audit? That is the information that would be of great interest to me. I further wonder what is going to happen in [...]

By |2010-11-29T20:25:00-08:00November 29th, 2010|Forensic Accounting|Comments Off on Where were the City of Bell Auditors?

Thieves Bankrupt City of Bell?

In a true case of closing the barn door after the horse has run off ... LA County is auditing Bell to find out if it's now broke. Did anybody think to look at the independent audit of the city? Did they have one? Wasn't it required? Who did the audit? What did it say? [...]

By |2010-10-21T13:32:00-07:00October 21st, 2010|Forensic Accounting|Comments Off on Thieves Bankrupt City of Bell?

Thieves Arrested (Hooray!)

Our "Den of Thieves" have been uncovered, announced and arrested. Who knows whether it will stick ... but ... it's a start. (These are certain officials at the City of Bell, CA) This NPR interview asks the prime question ... How did a 2 1/2 mile square city, of 40,000 impoverished citizens wind up with [...]

By |2010-10-14T14:44:00-07:00October 14th, 2010|financial fraud, non-profit fraud, get rich schemes, Forensic Accounting, fraud|Comments Off on Thieves Arrested (Hooray!)

Find the salami … Sniff Sniff !

CFO magazine cites a 2009 study by Benjamin Luippold, an assistant professor at George State University on how to con the auditors.Distract and divert the auditors attention from the place you want them to look. You will succeed with your con.Now it's been "scientifically" tested. All you auditors and forensic accountants out there ... Use [...]

By |2010-04-21T21:58:00-07:00April 21st, 2010|fraud, antar, financial fraud, fraud hotline, internal control systems, whistle blower, Forensic Accounting, audit, due diligence|Comments Off on Find the salami … Sniff Sniff !

Madoff’s Accountant Didn’t Do Audits?

Here's a picture of the accountant's office. Suite 3. Accounting, Taxation and Financial Services ... hmmm. Taped to the window ... it says they "E-File". Classy digs! Apparently, the accountants were telling the AICPA for 15 years that they didn't do audits. The AICPA has since kicked him out. Nice due diligence on the part [...]

By |2022-08-22T01:39:09-07:00May 26th, 2009|Forensic Accounting, audit, due diligence, financial planner, fraud, madoff, ponzi|Comments Off on Madoff’s Accountant Didn’t Do Audits?
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