Everyone loves a PET

As followers of this blog will recall, I’ve written many times about the State and Local Tax (SALT) cap for itemized deductions. Individual Taxpayers have been limited to a maximum amount of $10,000 in deductions for this category regardless of how much they actually spend in a year on state income and property taxes.

By |2022-02-08T20:34:33-08:00January 11th, 2022|Pauls's Tax Blog, tax, tax deductions|0 Comments

After Tax Reform, Here’s What the Nonprofit Sector is Watching

By Courtney Rozen Initial estimates aren’t promising: The American Enterprise Institute projected June 18 that the law would reduce charitable giving by $17.2 billion this year, according to a static analysis. But in the six months since Republicans passed the 2017 tax act (Pub. L. No. 115-97), much of the impact is yet to [...]

Tax Credits to Take Advantage Next Tax Season

If you are deciding whether or not to invest in a vehicle for your business, you should consider the tax implications. New Qualified Plug-in Electric Credit U.S. Code § 30D allows for a tax credit for plug-in electric vehicles drawing propulsion energy from a battery with five kilowatt hours or more of capacity. The credit [...]

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